As a long-time Corvette owner, I realized there weren't many interesting or thought-provoking Corvette graphics products available - so I used my graphics talents to create them for you.
I spend all my free time designing Corvette-related graphics for other Corvette owners and admirers. How do I know what they like? Well, being a past President of a local Corvette club, and attending more car shows than I care to mention, I’ve seen some cool Corvette stuff as well as some that really sucked. I decided to focus on the former. With my skills as a photographer, and computer design programs, my creative mind is now unleashed, and I think I’m creating some very interesting, one-of-a-kind Corvette products to help my Corvette friends to show off their cars.
Me, a long-time Corvette owner
I was always creating cool graphics
As a testament to my father's love for cars, I was named after the 1954 Kaiser Darrin (thankfully, I wasn't named "Kaiser"!).
Me today!